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Sixty seconds of actionable advice, based on science

Experiences Endure
How to give gifts that last
Center of Attention
Noticing joy in the everyday
Vitamin G
The expansive power of gratitude
Missed Connections
Social media has its benefits
Authoritative Mentors
Demanding and supportive is a powerful combination
Tough Teachers
Beloved isn’t always best
Thanks to Teachers
The magic of the gratitude letter
Keep Your Distance
Staying connected from afar
The Soul of Empathy
Getting, not taking, perspective
Heart and Will
Gratitude opens the door to self-control
Gratitude Nudge
Making gratitude easier.
Paying it Forward
Gratitude sparks generosity.
Gauging Your Gratitude
How grateful are you today?
Headwinds Versus Tailwinds
Barriers loom larger than benefits.
Gratitude Letter
Remembering Walter Mischel.
Gratitude is Always Eloquent
On the magic of gratitude letters.